
Be present.

As I was writing the presentation for a key note I’m going to deliver at the Communication Sciences school ex-alumni's conference from the Univesidad Anahuac (My old Alma Mater), about Professional Success, I could not help asking myself: Am I successful? My answer: I believe so, yes, be cause I lead the life I want to live. I have a wonderful, healthy and happy family. I have a beautiful home full of peace, love, abundance, harmony and prosperity. I have an excellent job where I have space to grow and help others grow as well, and I have the great opportunity to share my thoughts everyday with many people, through all the different media I collaborate with, starting with my own blog.

Later that day, having a chat with some friends I had to ask: "What is a person suponed to do to be successful?" And these are some of the things we concluded a person needs to build success:

  • Work hard, really hard everyday.
  • Study everyday, not letting a day go by without reading something worth putting inside your mind.
  • Sacrifice a little fun and down time to dedicate to work.
  • Be patient and not losing focus.
  • Be patient and putting up with more than one power hungry ass… throughout your career.
  • Take responsibility over additional tasks to my own.
  • Act with a lot of responsibility.
  • Be creative and innovative.
  • Hone a strong strategic thought process.
  • Behave as a real leader.
  • Establish excellent personal and professional relationships.
  • Get back on your feet more times than you’d like to say after a failure or a hard fall down.
  • Be profoundly grateful for everything you’ve lived and experienced, every lesson and every single blessing life has given you.

But there is also another very important key factor for success that in fact complements each and every one of the above: Being present.

I mean being present in the organization your work for and in the community you live in. Let people know your are there to help and collaborate.

I mean being present and know how to share your happiness and pleasure to live with all your loved ones.

I mean being present for all the opportunities that come your way, leaving fear aside and taking the bull by the horns and tackling all the possibilities that have come all the way to you.

I mean being present and behaving with responsibility and acting as a true leader, even with out the formal title.

I mean being present and opening yourself to a world of possibilities that lie ahead and go into each new adventure with an open mind and open heart. Yes, even if it leaves you somewhat vulnerable (there is nothing wrong with being a little vulnerable).

I mean being really present where ever you are, so turn the black berry and the cell phone off, put the laptop aside and focus your complete attention on the people you are with. Make them feel that you are truly present for them.

I mean being present in the moment you are living in. Not in the one you already lived and cannot change, nor in the one you haven’t yet lived.

Yes, definitely BEING PRESENT is a key factor to build success.
After all, how are you going to find yourself in the right place at the right time if you are not truly present?

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An important note.

The comments, opinions and recommendations posted in this personal blog are my personal thoughts, and doesn't necesarily reflect those of my employer.