
How are you helping prepare the leaders of tomorrow?

They say that a lot of the jobs of tomorrow that we are training people for today, does not even exist yet.

And I could not agree more. Things are changing and they are changing a lot. The way we do things at work and how we can grow in it are very different than what they used to be even just 5 years ago. And the personal and professional growth is 180° different than what it was supposed to be like before to have a successful career.

Just picture this: today’s learners will have between 10 to 14 different jobs by age 38. But this is not something of the future, its happening today, in fact now a days 1 out of every 4 employees have been with their current employer for less than a year.

Change is happening today! And the question we need to ask ourselves is: What are we doing today to prepare the leaders of our companies tomorrow?

The expectations are high and roles are transforming.

The famous Gen Y is already becoming part of the work force and, according to Penolope Trunk (Brazen Careerist), this new generation will completely change the way companies treat their employees.

The people in charge of leading the marketing and communication of organizations are evolving with urgency, shares Digital Marketing expert Mitch Joel, to face the enormous opportunities that social media and technology present today. And according to Joseph Jaffee in the US and Rafael Perez-Toribio in Mexico, Advertising and Communication agencies will not be an exception.

So I ask again: What are you doing today to prepare the leaders of your companies tomorrow?

And we cannot let the answer be: “…well I’m sure the CEO of HR are doing something…” 
To think like that would be to condemn us to loosing power over our own careers. 
Each one of us has the potential and the responsibility to act as leaders, even if we lack the official title (Leaders without title, is how Robin Sharma names it), to place ourselves on top the wave of change and successfully ride it and help others do so as well.

Lets get it for once and for all:


So lets get to work!

The pics of the week!

And just like every week, here are a few pictures from the first class I gave at El Semillero (school of advertising professionals) and from the Digital Marketing seminar organized by the Mexico Internet Association and the Mexico Media Agencies Association, in which I got to speak along with a group of great digital marketers too!

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An important note.

The comments, opinions and recommendations posted in this personal blog are my personal thoughts, and doesn't necesarily reflect those of my employer.