
We are looking for #4: Directors who don’t want to manage.

This post is dedicated to Gerardo González, who a few days ago shared with me the new challenge he is facing and which I’m sure he will overcome easily. By the way, you can listen to Gerardo’s radio program every Friday and Sunday nights at: www.msnstudio.com.

We are looking for directors who do not want to manage but rather know how to lead.

We are looking for directors who do not want to accumulate all the empowerment of their groups in them, but rather delegate and maximize the talent of his teammates.

We are looking for directors who don’t want to have people who works for them, but rather put themselves at their service.

We are looking for directors understand that they can not manage people as objects property of the organization, that is called manipulation.

We are looking for directors who are thus convinced that one cannot manage people, one can only lead people.

We are looking for directors who stop reflecting the payroll as a fix expense in the books and start listing it as the investment in talent that it really is.

We are looking for directors who don’t want to run things from their private corner office, but who rather are in the center of the action leading, teaching and learning as well.

We are looking for directors who don’t want to tell their people how to do what they have to do, but rather inspire them to do is.

We are looking for directors who are not just expecting that their team dedicates their life to the organization, but rather dedicate the organization to the lives of its employees.

We are looking for directors who are less worried about reporting numbers to the stockholders and are more focused on sharing these with their team.

We are looking for directors who will stop measuring results at the end of the year to see how the company is doing and start checking how each and every person is doing every day, after all they are the ones who will make the organization successful at the end of the year.

We are looking for directors who do not want to keep all the information, knowledge and experience to themselves because they are afraid of losing their power, but who on the contrary, want to share all they know with their team and surround themselves with people who might even be more skillful than them, because the real talent of a leader is not in how much they know, but in knowing how to bring the best in people out and that includes their knowledge and experience too.

We are looking for directors who don’t necessarily hold a degree from Harvard, Stanford, ITAM or UP, but who did have a home education based on principles like honesty, charity and humility.

We are looking for directors who do not want to manage, but who rather like to lead.

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The comments, opinions and recommendations posted in this personal blog are my personal thoughts, and doesn't necesarily reflect those of my employer.